Educate & Engage

The goal of these articles is to share the information I’ve gathered throughout my career regarding tools, product management, engineering, and work in general. I hope you will find value, please let me know either way!

Matthew Crump Matthew Crump

Managing Corporate Innovation

If you develop a process for innovation so that any monkey can deliver, only monkey’s will work for you. Managing innovation requires key people with specific knowledge and skills.

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Matthew Crump Matthew Crump

The Fragility of Oilfield Services: Plug & Perf

The impact of a pandemic and the oil price on the North American completions has proven the fragility of the business. What has made it so fragile and what are some options to be stronger on the other side?

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The Plug & Perf Challenge

Starting in 2008, the US daily oil production started to increase rapidly, averaging an increase of 657,000 bbls/day (almost 240 MMbbls per year) each year through 2019. This increase was done on the back of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracing.

Over the past 3 years I have published several articles about composite plugs and the plug & perf completion operation. I took the time to combine these posts, along with additional information, into an ebook that is available for download now.

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